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General information about
"Certificate Qualification Internet ABC teacher"

Information about the Internet ABC

The Internet ABC imparts important media skills for children, teachers and parents in a way that is child-friendly, target group-specific and always up-to-date.

With the Internet ABC, children learn:

how to safely handle their data and that of others.

how they can distinguish secure information from false reports on the Internet.

how they can independently, critically, creatively and safely explore the global wealth of knowledge on the Internet.

Logo Internet ABC

Such “Internet literacy” protects children from cyberbullying, misinformation and the negative effects of online advertising.


It is therefore preventive in the best sense of the word. With the learning modules of the Internet ABC, the sub-competencies of the NRW media competence framework can be worked out in the classroom. The Internet ABC is offered in North Rhine-Westphalia by the State Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Link to Internet ABC:

Qualification Information

With this qualification, which is aimed at teachers of all types of school who teach in grades 3 to 6, you should be able to prepare children in a structured and targeted manner for life in digitality, digital reality.

The basis of the training is the free and non-commercial learning platform Internet-ABC, which has a wide range of analogue and digital materials available for use in the classroom.

The State Institute for Media NRW, together with the LVR Center for Media and Education and the LWL Media Center for Westphalia, offers a certificate course that you can use to"Internet ABC teacher" qualified.


The qualification is carried out by the Media Center Kreis Herford (Berliner Str.1, 32052 Herford). You will be instructed by an experienced LfM trainer in the selection and use of the materials and try out their use in practice during the certification.

The course consists of three learning units:

  • Getting to know and exploring (joint learning unit; in presence in the media center or digitally)

  • Deepening and application (guided self-learning phase for practical testing of a learning module; digital)

  • Exchange and evaluate (joint exchange; in presence in the media center or digitally)

To carry out:

  • All required training materials are provided by us.

  • The entire qualification is free of charge for the participants.

Upon successful completion, you have

  • get a comprehensive overview of the learning opportunities for children, parents and teachers,

  • implemented their own lessons according to the requirements of the media competence framework NRW,

  • built up a fund of directly usable materials for your lessons,

  • Acquired the “Internet ABC Teacher” certificate.

Graphic Penguin Eddi
Portrait Eva-Lotte Heine of the Media Scouts
Information about the Internet ABC
Eva Lotte Heine

Media pedagogue and LfM speaker 

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